Saturday, July 21, 2007


Today I treated myself to a pedicure, and it was another tiny culture shock experience. First of all, they put me in a small room with a water bubbler for my feet (with cool water, which was SOOOOO nice after such a hot day!). They gave me Elle and Cosmopolitan magazines to read (in English, praise the lord!). I opened up the issue of Elle and the Editor's note was all about September 11th... then I noticed it was dated from 2001. So I a now fully aware of what the fashion trends were 6 years ago (honestly, it all looks the same to me).

Then for Cosmo... it was the British version, so in the sex advice sections, it kept encouraging the reader to say "rude" things to your lover. I thought this was hilarious.

So the Bosnian pedicurist kept me in the small room, entertained only by imagining "rude" things to say, such as, "You have smelly feet!" or something like that, for 1 hour. I can only imagine she was chatting with friends, smoking cigarettes, and drinking coffee (maybe even doing someone else's toes?). It was OK, though, because I had no pressing engagements. Bosnian time is kind of similar to "Toshi time" because you know that eventually they will show up and things will be great, but you just don't know quite when.

Anyway, she finally came back and then spent another hour fixing up my feet. The first thing that was different about this pedicure from the ones I have had in the US (and Costa Rica) is that she actually used some kind of straight razor to "shave" the calouses off my feet (maybe too much information?). This was particularly interesting on the "Flynn toe" as those of you who have one can probably imagine and those of you who don't might not want to. Anyway, she was thorough and then painted my nails a nice maroon color which matches my skirt and shirt. So I felt pretty snazzy.

1 comment:

Molenaarsdochter said...

Haha, Ruby I am a pedicurist living in Belgium and it 's great fun to read your comment ! You gave me a good idea; I'll do the same during my trips to Praha and Budapest.

Wish you the best !

About Me

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Social Welfare at Berkeley, concentrating in local, national and international responses to large-scale disasters, wars, and genocide. To me, social work is not a job. It is a way of life, a faith, and a daily practice. My mother is a social worker and I was instilled with social work values as a young child. I carry those values of respect and compassion for other human beings, the importance of service and integrity, and these values lead me to endorse Barack Obama for President of the United States. Barack Obama represents a new and positive vision for the future of America. He is honest, hard-working, and unafraid to face the nuanced and complex problems of our country and our interconnected world. I am proud to support a candidate who will truly bring change for the American people and for all members of the world community.

What did you know about Bosnia before Ruby took this trip?