Friday, July 20, 2007

Shopping in Sarajevo

Today I had a fine time shopping for some things for Toshi´s new apartment in Berkeley. I bought a very nice blue ornamental tablecloth, which I think will be so snazzy for dinner parties. I also bought a simpler white one that is a bit dressy but kind of sheer as well (I think it is meant to be a woman´s head scarf, but it was big and nice, and in the US, who will know the difference anyway?).

Toshi has a door in his apartment that opens on to a shared balcony, which is lovely but not very private, so I got a nice Turkish-style curtain so we can leave the door open without having the whole apartment open to the world. There is a little 3 year old who lives in one of the other apartments and she is quite bold and inquisitive. One of the other neighbors mentioned that if you leave the door open, you may find you have a tiny visitor in your living room... Not that curtains really keep toddlers at bay, but it is just the idea of a boundary that will be nice.

I also am so happy because I bought a nice green silk that will cover the (crazy flatscreen) TV that Toshi has installed in the bedroom. The TV is a bit ominous when we are not watching it (small loft bedroom, big TV). Oh but it is nice when we are watching a movie or something!

For myself, I bought just a small thing, a kind of covering for the face that matches my bellydance costume. It has a headband part and then a veil with coins on it so that only the eyes show and the rest of the face is veiled. It is very dramatic and I can´t wait to try it out when I get back with my whole costume (some parts of which I bought last time I was in Sarajevo). Yippee!

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About Me

I am currently pursuing a PhD in Social Welfare at Berkeley, concentrating in local, national and international responses to large-scale disasters, wars, and genocide. To me, social work is not a job. It is a way of life, a faith, and a daily practice. My mother is a social worker and I was instilled with social work values as a young child. I carry those values of respect and compassion for other human beings, the importance of service and integrity, and these values lead me to endorse Barack Obama for President of the United States. Barack Obama represents a new and positive vision for the future of America. He is honest, hard-working, and unafraid to face the nuanced and complex problems of our country and our interconnected world. I am proud to support a candidate who will truly bring change for the American people and for all members of the world community.

What did you know about Bosnia before Ruby took this trip?